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New feature in Hermix – Contractor comparison

New feature in Hermix – Contractor comparison

Hermix just released Contractor comparison. This will help you have an advantageous position for future tenders: • Benchmark your company against your competition. • See where your competition is stronger. • Find compatible and complementary partners.
New in Hermix

New in Hermix

New in • Opportunity qualification: insights + direct links to the relevant reports.• Bookmark your favorite reports for future reference.• Receive email notifications in the morning, at 9h40 AM, CET.• New help pages: Glossary of terms, Frequently Asked Questions.• Contact us directly and get immediate support with the…
New Hermix features rolled out

New Hermix features rolled out

We are happy to announce that we rolled out into production a set of amazing new Hermix features. There are simple ingredients that will give you a better experience with our app. You will be able to see what opportunities are coming in the future, the popularity of…
Hermix is awarded the Impact Star award in the Deloitte Fast 50 CE Report 2022

Hermix is awarded the Impact Star award in the Deloitte Fast 50 CE Report 2022

Hermix, the first marketing analytics platform for the public sector – Business-to-government, is recognized as an “Impact Star” by Deloitte, in its CE Fast 50 Report 2022. The Deloitte Technology CE Fast 50 is a programme that recognizes fast-growing technology companies. The Impact Star is a special classification…
Hermix analyzes 15 years of EC contracts and payments: 1 mil. records, 450 Bil. € of data

Hermix analyzes 15 years of EC contracts and payments: 1 mil. records, 450 Bil. € of data

Hermix imported and cleaned up 15 years of contracts and payments from the EC ( European Commission). Our users have access to 1 million new public sector records analyzed and available in Hermix; totaling 450 Bil. Eur; spent by 51 EU agencies. Take a Hermix test drive.
Hermix demo

Hermix demo

This Hermix demo was shown at the EU Datathon 2022
EU Datathon – Hermix presentation and live demo

EU Datathon – Hermix presentation and live demo

Our presentation at the EU Datathon 2022 was recorded and published by the organisers, the Publications Office of the European Union. Have a look at the full video, below. The application demo is at minute 5:52 (or click directly here).
Hermix wins the EU Datathon organized by the EU Publications Office – European Commission, and is recognised as the best application for public procurement for young Europeans

Hermix wins the EU Datathon organized by the EU Publications Office – European Commission, and is recognised as the best application for public procurement for young Europeans

Hermix won the EU Datathon 2022, being recognized as the best application for public procurement for young Europeans, in the prestigious competition organized by the Publications Office of the European Union – European Commission. The EU Datathon competition is organised by the Publications Office of the European Union…
Hermix supports European companies and startups to enter the public sector market, obtain public funding and grants

Hermix supports European companies and startups to enter the public sector market, obtain public funding and grants

Using #OpenData for the benefit of society and citizens – that is the spirit of the #EUDatathon which the Publications Office of the European Union organises every year. The teams that take part prove time and again that data help to create new insights through applications and #DataVisualisation.…

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Summarize thousands of public tenders with AI

We’re inviting a limited number of people to join the Beta program and get priority access to upcoming LLM capabilities inside Hermix