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Hermix wins 920k Euro grant from Eureka Eurostars, with the University of Luxembourg

Hermix wins funding from Eureka Eurostars for the project “Hermix-Grants – Public grants innovation: intelligence, analytics and automation with data-science, big-data and AI/ML“.

The project aims to create an IT platform designed to aid researchers and businesses in navigating grant opportunities. It will provide users with deep-analysis and support to understand, predict, and control the European funding ecosystem.

The product Hermix-Grants will use technology that allows the integration and aggregation of multiple databases and data sources, so that relevant information can be easily accessed at any time, through interfaces and reports adapted to the needs of the future beneficiaries of grants. It will perform intelligent data interpretation using specialized big-data and AI analysis.

The project is implemented in an effective partnership with the University of Luxembourg. The international collaboration is fundamental, serving as a key factor ensuring the project’s success.

Eureka is the world’s biggest public network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation, present in over 45 countries. Eurostars is the largest international funding programme for SMEs wishing to collaborate on R&D projects that create innovative products, processes or services for commercialisation.
The program is co-funded by the European Union through Horizon Europe.

The technical coordinator for this project is Dr. Eng. Stefan Morcov, computer science engineer, MBA, PhD from KU Leuven university.

Prof. Dr. Radu State is the head of the research group SEDAN (Service and Data Management) at SnT. He obtained his MSc at the Johns Hopkins University (USA) and his PhD at INRIA (France). He supervises 14 PhD students, 8 R&D specialists, and 12 research associates, working on several industry driven projects with local and international companies.

We are honored to be part of the Eurostars program and partner with the prestigious University of Luxembourg. Hermix is our child and passion. Over more than 2 years, we have put a lot of effort into its development, achieving already strong results. We eagerly anticipate enhancing it further with the support of Eureka and the University of Luxembourg. Our collaboration was crucial for this“, says Stefan Morcov, CEO Hermix.

We are very excited to work on this project together, and bring our institutions closer through research”, says Prof. Radu State, head of the SEDAN research group at the University of Luxembourg.

The added value of the project consists in offering an innovative solution to clients that apply to non-reimbursable funding and grants. It will lead to savings in processing time, the reduction of human errors, and above all the automation of advanced data analysis processes. Last but not least, it will offer simplicity and comfort in use, democratizing European public funding.

About Hermix – public sector sales analytics

Hermix ( is the first market analytics platform for the public sector. It helps companies win public contracts, with tender monitoring and market intelligence.
Big data is already used heavily in retail, consumer, B2C/B2B. With Hermix, modern analytics is also available to B2G – Business-to-government. It brings public funding into the 21st century.
Hermix won the EU Datathon 2022 competition organized by the European Commission, as well as the Deloitte Impact Star award 2022, the CE Tech Rocketship! award in 2023 from Deloitte and Google Cloud, and the ‘Best Value 2023’ label from Capterra by Gartner.

About the University of Luxembourg

The University of Luxembourg is a renowned research institution committed to achieving excellence in both fundamental and applied research, as well as in education. It actively fosters innovation for the benefit of society, boasts a significant number of graduate students, and integrates research, teaching, and societal impact.
The research group SEDAN (Service and Data Management in Distributed Systems) at SnT at the University of Luxembourg focuses on Blockchain, Big Data Systems and Network Security. It consists of 14 PhD students, 8 R&D specialists, and 12 research associates working on several industry driven projects with local and international companies. It develops partnerships and attracted important FNR co-funding cumulating over several millions euros over the last few years, aiming to go from applied research to spin-off creations, and create both a young and motivated entrepreneurship success story as well as generate high skill job opportunities for PhD graduates.