Market analysis & segmentation: advanced infographics & actionable insights ref. budgets, gaps and opportunities: who buys & sells, what, when, where, how much.
Our main focus is data quality.
Transparency: We disclose all our data sources, estimations, and assumptions used for analytics.
Continuous improvement: We add newdata daily. We make this data analyzable. We add new reports weekly.
We provide a relevant, customized service. You can reach us instantly, through any channel, including our in-app chat.
We will prioritize your needs.
Hermix intro
Monitor new public sector opportunities
Onboarding wizard
Personalize your experience with the Onboarding wizard. It creates:
Your default search filters, that you can use in every page.
Daily email notifications, matching your profile.
Generate tender summarization
In the opportunity page, click on the button: “Generate tender summarization”.
Then, when the summarization is ready, you will receive an email, and you will be able to see the tender summary in the opportunity page:
Global search
Your one-stop solution to search all European tenders in one place. It’s like having your very own “Google for public tenders”!
Prior notices
See the intention of authorities for launching future tenders.
This tool supplements the Renewals report, which analyses the expiration of current public contracts.
Search and monitor daily opportunities in the European public sector.
Analyze the past projects of European institutions, or federal, national, regional, or local authorities.
Search for opportunities containing specific keywords.
Filter opportunities by:
date published, deadline
industry, domain, topic
country, authority, contract nature type
authority, specific authority
See detailed information about each opportunity and its contracting authority.
Daily email notifications
Set a notification to receive the latest tender opportunities every morning
Search for opportunities containing specific keywords
Select the relevant dates, industry, domain, topic
Choose a delivery method:
Choose the frequency of email notifications:
*NEW* E-mail notifications for Contract awards, Prior notices, and Monitor an opportunity.
Download opportunities as PDF files
Download tender documents as a single ZIP archive
EC tenders only – published on the Participant Portal – SEDIA.
Q&A download
Download Q&A as a PDF file (for EC tenders).
Q&A/new documents notification
Monitor and receive email notifications when new documents or Q&A are published for a tender.
Opportunity qualification
New authority profile
See organized information about an authority.
The following new tabs were added for the new authority profile:
related notices
The new design of profiles makes you see information about authorities more easily.
New contractor profile
See organized information about a contractor.
The following new tabs were added for the new contractor profile:
contracts awarded
The new design of profiles makes you see information about contractors more easily.
Contract notice
See insights and direct links to the pre-filtered, relevant reports:
authority profile
similar open tenders
all open tenders
similar renewals
all renewals
previous similar contract awards
all previous contract awards
other authorities with similar projects.
Contract awards
Analyze the past contracts concluded between authorities and contractors.
Search for opportunities with specific keywords.
Filter by:
authority type
authority type
country, date
industry, domain, topic
For each contract, see details such as:
products and services
amounts, dates
winning consortia and contractors
Analyze the partnerships of specific contractors, on specific market segments, for specific authorities.
See their partnerships appetite, the history of partnerships, who works with whom, and best partners - by number of collaborations and overall partnership value.
The analysis is based on the history of European Commission payments and specific projects and on EU-wide project opportunities, based on the contract awards.
Network graph partnerships
Each node and link shows the value of the partnerships.
Competition analysis report
Analyze the contractors that participate in similar tenders, in the same region, for the same public authorities.
Detailed analysis of each partnership
In the partnership report, you can see the history and details of all the contracts where 2 organizations are partners.
Market analysis
Rank opportunities in order of importance.
Have an organized view of your opportunities based on your needs and interests.
Custom opportunity flags
Rank opportunities in order of importance.
Each organization can now label its tenders with custom flags, shared between all members of an organization.
Market overview
Analyze the European institution's market.
See details and infographics filtering:
type of organization
Filter the list of EU authorities by:
organization type
Market overview contractors
See analysis, infographics, and segmentations based on:
industry, domain, topic
authority type
*NEW* authority country
contractor country
Deep dive into each contractor or contractor group's details, history, and activity.
Market overview-EU Institutions
See analysis, infographics, and segmentations based on:
organization type
authority country
Deep dive into the details, history, and activity of each authority.
Look for the list of public authorities in Europe, such as international or European institutions, and national, federal, regional, or local public administration.
Filter the authorities by:
authority country
specific authority
Look for the list of contractors.
Filter the contractors by:
contractor group
contractor country
VAT code
Forecast: analysis of contract renewal opportunities
Find out which framework contracts or projects will be renewed and/or re-tendered.
Filter project renewal opportunities by:
authority type, contract type
industry, domain, topic
date, year
Get more information about the contracting authority, contracts, industry, values, past winners, consortia, and contractors.
Compare contractors
Benchmark your company against your competition.
See where your competition is stronger.
Find compatible and complementary partners.
Saved reports
Use the saved reports button in the top-right corner of the screen to save your preferred reports and filters.
Next time you need them, they are already saved and configured for use.
European Commission spending
Analyze the spending history of specific European Commission directorates and agencies.
Filtering by:
funding type
contractor type
type of contract
Identify and analyze the contractors.
Filter by:
funding type
contractor type
type of contract
contractor group
Find helpful information about contractors.
Have a look at the detailed EC spending per DG and contractor.
Filter by:
funding type
contractor type
type of contract
subject of grant or contract
contractor group
With the same filters, find out more about buyer contractor details and spending details.
*NEW* We added details and analysis by funding type, e.g. spending for the Resilience and Recovery Facility.
Details per year
See detailed EC spending per DG, contractor, and project.
Filter by:
funding type
contractor type
type of contract
subject of grant or contract
contractor group
With the same filters, find out more about buyer and contractor details.
EC partnerships
Analyze the partnerships of specific contractors, on specific market segments, for specific authorities.
See their partnerships appetite, the history of partnerships, who works with whom, and best partners - by number of collaborations and overall partnership value.
The analysis is based on the history of European Commission payments and specific projects and on EU-wide project opportunities, based on the contract awards.
*After sign-up, you will receive a confirmation email with your account details and a 1-month free trial. A Hermix representative will also follow up to set up a personalized demo & onboarding.