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Win public contracts, with tender monitoring and market intelligence based on AI

Hermix helps companies win public contracts, with tender monitoring, market intelligence, and proposal automation. We use AI/ML and LLM to automate public sector sales. 

Big data and automation are already used heavily in retail, consumer, B2C/B2B. Hermix brings modern analytics and proposal generation to B2G – Business-to-government. We bring B2G to the 21st century.

We support day-to-day sales, bid, and presales:

• Tender monitoring, and email notifications. 

* Automated tender summaries, with AI/LLM.

• Opportunity qualification: budgets, competition, gaps. 

• Deep market intelligence: where are the money, who buys & sells, what, when, where, how – with AI/ML.

We help you grow your business in an amazing, huge, stable market: public sector.

• Public sector is 53% of the EU’s GDP.

• Public tendering is 14% of the GDP: €2 trillion in EU, 14 trillion worldwide.

We offer:

• Detailed B2G market analysis, segmentation, forecasting, using governmentgraphics.

• Understanding the market: future opportunities, partnerships.

• Actionable data and infographics.

• Drill-down & drill-up.

• Smart market-watch.

Immediate benefits:

* Cost: upgrade your team from data entry to data analysis.

* Efficiency, focus. Increase proposal success rates to 60-70%.

* Delivery quality: choose the best technology and partners.

* Sustainable, repeatable sales.

We are a team of experts with significant expertise in IT, AI/ML, big data, deep-tech, product development, public procurement, and governance.

We are passionate. We strive to make a difference.