
Analysis of European Commission market, spending, suppliers

Market overview

  • Analyze the European Commission market, and its past projects and spending for the last 19 years.
  • See details and infographics filtered on:
    • authority
    • year
    • funding type
    • contractor type
    • type of contract.

Market - contractors

  • Analyze EC spending (FTS): contractor analysis, relation between contractor and authority.
  • Filtering for:
    • Industry, domain, topic
    • Authority type, country
    • Contractor country
    • Year

European Commission spending details

  • See the spending details of the European Commission.
  • Filter by:
    • authority
    • funding type
    • year
    • contractor type
    • type of contract
    • subject of grant or contract
    • contract group
    • contractor

Buyer-contractor details per year

  • See detailed buyer contract details per year
    Filter by:

    • authority
    • funding type
    • year
    • contractor type
    • type of contract
    • subject of grant or contract
    • contract group
    • contractor

Partnerships for EU projects

  • Analyze the partnerships of specific contractors, on specific market segments, for specific authorities
  • See their partnerships appetite, the history of partnerships, who works with whom, and best partners - by number of collaborations and overall partnership value
  • The analysis is based on the history of European Commission payments and specific projects.

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